Google defnes a keyword as an isolated word or phrase that provides concise high-level information about content to readers . With the increasing amount of data, users need more resources and time to understand content. Keywords make it easier to understand the meaning of a text in fewer words.
In short, keywords summarize the key points presented in the text. When searching for information on search engines, keywords play a signifcant role in fnding relevant content. Keywords are the mostinformative part of a text; they are the most prominent words in the text and describe its content. Keywords are necessary in situations involving huge amounts of text data that need to be processed automatically. Keywords are widely used in document summarization, indexing, categorization, and clustering of huge datasets. Many scientifc publications contain keyword lists that have been explicitly assigned by their authors. Other documents, however, have not been assigned keywords . As webpages are constantly updated, it is difcult to create keywords manually. Manual keyword assignment is labor intensive, time consuming, and error prone.
Specialized curators use fxed taxonomies for manual keyword generation, but in some cases, the keywords chosen by the author are not sufciently comprehensive and accurate. Without high-quality keywords, users fail to catch relevant information . Keywords ofer readers a concise high-level summary of a documents content, thereby improving their understanding of that text. Keywords are the most relevant and important indicator for users seeking to grasp the fundamentals of a topic when scanning or skimming an article. Keyword extraction is a basic step in many text-mining and natural language processing (NLP) techniques, including text summarization, information retrieval, topic modeling, clustering, and content-based advertisement systems. Finding the relevant webpages, a user is seeking is often a challenging task for which representative keywords or keyphrases.